
Thursday 12 December 2013

The Silent Wife by A.S.M. Harrison

The Silent Wife is about a man, a woman,
the other (much) younger woman and revenge. 

What Jodi did is probably every woman’s fantasy of getting even, especially when they have been dumped after investing 20 years in a relationship. 
The alternating "Him" and "Her" chapters is great as both sides get to say their piece, in their own voice.

I did have a hard time relating to the Jodi character who comes across as cold and calculating, and who uses cooking , cleaning and being (exaggeratedly) understanding as her weapons of manipulation and control, but perhaps that was the author’s intention. 

Todd on the other hand, is a very likable character despite the fact that he is a serial cheater, who sees nothing wrong in moving in with his best friend’s (very young) daughter and worse, expects everyone including Jodi to accept his decision without question. Yet, there is something naive and vulnerable about him that prevents you from dismissing him despite being the rat (I did want to use a much harsher word that begins with “a” and ends with “e”) he is.

The book goes through cycles, so that sometimes you find yourself racing through the pages to see what happens next, and at others it is simply monotonous.

The ending was a disappointment and a tiny bit predictable - there was quite a bit of momentum building up in the last 20 pages and then it went flat. Actually I wasn’t even aware that I had reached the end. 

My rating for The Silent Wife  - 3 Champagne Flutes

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